Sunday, January 10, 2010

Writing with HTML

I'm a bit unlike most writers today. When I publish something online, I want to do the HTML coding myself. It's a byproduct from when I hosted my first web page and every line of text had to be hand-coded.

Time consuming? Of course. But as a gal who still treasures the warm childhood memory of typing in her first DOS commands, HTML coding brings my mind back to the proverbial salad days of my youth.

But it's indefinitely harder to proof a line of code than it is to proof a regular document. You have to see how each line of text fits in the page design. Which occasionally means typing a new line of text when you realize what would fit better. After you spend a few hours getting everything to look right, you have to turn around and reproof it again.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I've finally gotten my site to look downright professional - clashing social media buttons aside. But I can't help asking myself: if this website was a project, would I feel comfortable turning it into my client?

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